GoWish Partner
On this page, you can find the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of everyone in GoWish’s partnership team.
If your inquiry concerns challenges with the platform or similar,please contact our customer service at email: contact@gowish.com
cs@gowish.com +45 28 43 08 24
ab@gowish.com +45 24 59 69 78
ch@gowish.com +45 23 66 64 78
lr@gowish.com +45 61 10 23 47
tk@gowish.com +45 22 54 37 08
jn@gowish.com +45 61 10 90 56
pg@gowish.com +45 25 94 98 04
uh@gowish.com +45 31 65 90 43
sk@gowish.com +45 31 66 80 28